Sunday, September 14, 2014

Family Legacy

I was rarely successful in coaxing stories about my Dad's early motorcycle exploits out my grandparents. My grandmother did mention he was a fan of doing this from time-to-time but she was clearly not. If memory serves my Dad said doing this was the cause of the fender mounts to be unrepairablly torn out of the stock fender on his 1947 Velocette. My dad bought the spare tire cover off a '36 Ford to fabricate a new fender out of.
It was a nod to both my Grandmother's & my Dad's stories when I opted to run the same style read fender on Olivia.

The mic body I used for a taillight once belonged to my Dad as well. I remember playing with it every once in awhile as a little kid. Flathead Rob actually rescued it out of the trash several years ago.

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